When scientists split the nucleus of the atom in the early 20th century, they thought that they could understand how the universe was formed. Know the small particles. What they didn't know was that they had achieved a mechanism that could be used to generate energy as well as make bombs.
Ernest Rutherford, was one of the first to perform experiments related to the knowledge of the structure of the atomdid it. In a famous quote, he says:
It is a misconception that energy can be obtained by changing the structure of the atom.< /span>
Today it has been proven that energy can be obtained from the atom by changing its structure; So Rutherford was wrong. For example, atom bombis a tool that produces energy by changing the nucleus of uranium or plutonium. . In general, nuclear energy can be produced by fission and fusion. "Nuclear fission" (Nuclear Fission) is a method that will lead to the production of nuclear waste. Meanwhile, "nuclear fusion" (Nuclear Fusion) a cleaner and safer way to produce It is considered nuclear energy. The image below shows a schematic of the fusion and fission process.
What is nuclear fusion?
It may seem strange at first, but everything you do right now, including breathing, walking or Thinking and every phenomenon you see around you is indirectly related to the process of nuclear fusion occurring in the sun. If you could travel to the core of the sun, you would see hydrogen atoms fusing together to form helium.< /span>