today use green steel or Green Steel, from a special place in industries has different benefits; Because in the process of making it, much less environmental pollution is produced. In fact, the most important motto of the producers of this product is the production of steel without the consumption of fossil fuels and helping to maintain clean air. Steel factories account for a large share of greenhouse gases.. p>

< span style="font-size: 14pt;">Therefore, many developed countries and environmental protection, from a product called green steel They use water and electricity produced through the electrolysis process. The use of renewable energy, recyclability, reduction of environmental pollutants, use of green hydrogen, reduction of atmospheric emissions and greenhouse gases are among the most important benefits of this product. In this article, we intend to explain the concept, production method, importance and benefits of green steel, so stay with us. span>


to view the video process  Green steel production, open the link below the photo.

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What is green steel?

Steel produced by green hydrogen fuel in electrolysis process, green steel or called Green Steel Currently, one of the most important global needs is the production and replacement of this product with traditional steels. The reason is clear because the pollutants produced in the steel industry endanger the lives of humans and other living beings. span>

The difference between green steel and traditional steel

The final product produced in both green steel and traditional steel methods is the same, but the production process and devices of each are completely different. In fact, green steel is made in electric or hydrogen furnaces, where carbon production and emissions are almost zero. /span>

But traditional steel is produced in coal furnaces with a lot of greenhouse gas and carbon emissions. Don't forget that although this is a very good way to produce steel, it is also very expensive; Because in addition to electric furnaces, there are also costs of green electricity and changing the overall infrastructure of the factory.

What is the process and method of green steel production?

There are many methods to produce green steel, but not all of these methods can be done. In fact, the most standard process for producing this product is the direct regeneration of iron ore based on hydrogen. In this method, solid iron ore is heated by hydrogen to sponge iron  will be converted. Then this intermediate product is placed in the electric furnace and after melting, green steel is produced.. span>

In this method, instead of fossil fuels and very harmful, from hydrogen Green or blue is used, which produces oxygen instead of emitting carbon


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What is the use of green steel?

As traditional steel can be used in all construction industries and construction projects; Green steel can also be used in the production of parts of these industries. For making sections such as rebar, beam, pipe, corner, stud, car body and engine, marine pipelines and...< /span> green steel can be used.

Advantages and benefits of using green steel

At the beginning of the article, a number of benefits of green steel and its impact on the environment were mentioned. Here is a list of all the environmental benefits of this product.

  • Decarbonization of the steel industry and its eventual elimination
  • reduction and elimination of greenhouse gas production which ultimately reduces environmental pollution
  • substitution of hydrogen instead of carbon which produces< /span> O2 is
  • substitution of renewable energies instead of non-renewable ones
  • Complete elimination of the cost of providing and using air purifier filters in industrial cities

Eliminating the traditional methods of steel production, i.e. heating iron ore in blast furnaces which produces a lot of heat

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Problems and challenges of using green steel

using this method to produce steel, although it has many benefits; But it is challenging. In fact, replacing carbon with hydrogen requires extremely powerful devices that entail very heavy costs. According to the plans and statistics, it is predicted that the cost of steel production will increase by 30 to 100% in this method /span>

Planning, implementation, cooperation and thinking in this way are very important points that require the activity and participation of the government and industries because of the ability It is an outside industry.

Hydrogen is also more difficult to transport, store and use than carbon. The electrical device used in this method can only be found in a limited number of producing countries.. >

In general, we can conclude that economic, operational, knowledge and technology factors, support team, government readiness, investment and production It is one of the most important challenges of green steel production.

The largest producers of green steel in Iran and the world

Currently, the green steel production project has started in developed countries, namely China, Spain, Sweden, America, Germany and Japan. Swedish company SSAB AB is considered the first green steel producer in the world and officially started its activity in 2019 /span>

Also, under the influence of the rules announced by the European Union, the Bao company has announced its readiness to start the green steel project. . Spain's ArcelorMittal steel company has also joined this program and will start producing green steel by 2025.. /span>


In response to the question of what is green steel, we first discussed its characteristics, differences and then its benefits. Today, the start of the green steel project is one of the most important plans of steelmakers around the world. The start of this project has many benefits such as decarbonization of the steel industry, reduction and elimination of greenhouse gas production, substitution of hydrogen instead of carbon, substitution of renewable energies and Of course, the start of any new project also comes with challenges. The increase in production costs, the lack of expert personnel, the unavailability of information and facilities for the production of the device and the difficult transportation and storage of hydrogen are among the problems of this program. "